AnsysGranta offers a range of materials information management software, designed for companies to realize their in-house Material Intelligence. AnsysGranta MI™ offers a scalable solution to create, control and store your company’s valuable material data, offering seamless integration with leading CAD, CAE and PLM systems for enterprise-wide consistency. Make smarter materials choices with AnsysGranta Selector. Trade-off various materials properties from a comprehensive database to help you select the best-suited material for the application. Boost your simulation accuracy with access to our unrivalled materials data library.
Materials Products
Ansys Granta MI Enterprise
With 25 years of materials expertise, Granta MI Enterprise brings customers a complete materials data management solution. Empower your enterprise, protect your Material Intelligence and enable digital transformation.
Our unique MI Gateway and Enterprise Connect make way for seamless integration with CAD, CAE and PLM software. From Additive Manufacturing to Composites, we offer cutting-edge material processing.
Ansys Granta MI Pro
Kickstart your Material Intelligence with Granta MI Pro. Based on 25 years of materials experience, MI Pro was designed as an entry-level, scalable solution for your in-house materials information management. The easy-to-use interface allows for customers to create, import, visualize and analyze materials data quickly.
Ansys Granta Selector
Use the right materials to improve performance, reduce risk and cost while increasing customer satisfaction. AnsysGranta Selector provides powerful tools and extensive materials selection databases for intelligent decision making. Trusted by engineers and materials experts, you can rapidly find the best materials for any application then directly export materials property data.
Ansys Material Data
All Granta software includes a set of Core Materials Data and their properties. This can be supplemented with a wide spectrum of Advanced Materials Data for different industries and materials types. Access design, supplier, or test data or standards and specifications – helping to inform critical decisions across design, materials selection and more.
Materials Data for Simulation
Curated for users by our material data analysts, Granta MDS provides you with the data you need in the format you need it in. Focused specifically on simulation, get access to a database of over 2,600 simulation-ready Generic and Producer Grade Materials. Directly embedded within your Ansys Flagship Simulation Solvers: Ansys Mechanical®, Ansys Electronics Desktop®, Ansys Fluent®, Ansys Discovery®.
Ansys Granta Edupack
GrantaEduPack has also been designed to support a wide variety of teaching styles, from the design- and science-led approaches to problem-based teaching.
Granta Collaborations
Granta collaborations bring together industrial partners to ensure that Granta software solutions meet the needs of the organizations that apply them.
Our Consortia are major on-going collaborations that provide members with formal input to Granta development and other benefits.
Focus areas: materials data management, environmental and regulatory challenges, and the automotive sector.
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